Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Converting unsupported audio format

Many common audio formats cannot be played on Ubuntu without the installation of additional software. This is due to legal restrictions.

Unfortunately, due to legal restrictions and technical issues with some common audio formats, Ubuntu cannot play certain audio formats out-of-the-box. While support for certain restricted formats can be added after you have installed Ubuntu, it can be advantageous to convert audio files to a well-supported format. This is especially important if the files have been encoded using some form of Digital Rights Management (DRM) software, as DRM restrictions can render files unplayable in all applications but the one in which they were applied.

The following major audio formats are proprietary and so are not supported by default in Ubuntu:

* MP3
* RealAudio

For a well-supported audio format to replace MP3 and WMA, consider the Ogg Vorbis format. For a well-supported lossless (very high quality) format to replace AAC Lossless and WMA-VBR, consider the FLAC format. Both of these formats are open, and can be played in Ubuntu without the installation of any additional software.

There are many audio conversion applications for Windows available for download, and some of these can be obtained free of charge. These applications are also sometimes referred to as audio (re)encoders. Your choice of application depends on the formats which you wish to convert from and to. See websites such as Download.com for a list of potentially useful applications.

It is still possible to add support for many restricted formats (such as those listed above) to Ubuntu after installation. See the Restricted Formats document on the Ubuntu community support website for more information.

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