Thursday, December 1, 2011

Change Ownership of Files/Folders in Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat

Getting started:

If you don’t have administrative access to the file/folder, then you must open it as root. To to that, press Alt-F2 on your keyboard, then type the command below. The parent folder is the folder that contains the folder you wish to change.

gksu nautilus parent_folder_name

Then right-click on the folder you wish to change the ownership and select ‘Properties’

Then select ‘Permission’ tab and set the Owner, Group, and Others access levels on the folder. To apply the same permission to all files/folder within the folder, click ‘Apply Permission to Enclosed File’


Command-Line Option:

To do the same from the command line, go to Applications –> Accessories –> Terminal, then type the command below:
sudo chown –R Owner_Name:Group_Name Folder_Name

Tuesday, August 9, 2011